
Sunday 23 August 2015

The Greek Food Adventure - Day 3

Off to Ipsos

I was greeted this morning by a hangover, a visit to Joy's Cafe was needed for some breakfast. On the way there we were greeted by this friendly dog.

He followed us almost all the way there.

We ordered a cappuccino and some toasties.

The coffee at Joy's Cafe is excellent.

This cheese and ham toastie with a crisp garnish cost just €2.50.

The coffee and toastie helped the hangover slightly but plenty of water was going to be the answer today.

Back at the house my wife decided to sit and draw it, I sat in the shade recovering from last nights late night drinking session.

I spotted these Papadopoulos biscuits in the kitchen, really nice and not too different from the classic bourbon biscuit.

Not far from Dassia is the neighbouring resort of Ipsos, we all decided to walk there and spend the afternoon on the beech. I bought an ice cold coffee for the journey, much needed as the temperature had already risen to 33°c.

I hadn't noticed this outside Select Restaurant the other night, it looked strangely familiar though. Perhaps I'd seen it as a teenager back in 1987.

There are so many dogs in Corfu, some follow you briefly along the road and others just stop and bark as you pass by.

Lizards and crickets occasionally cross your path too and there's a constant soundtrack of cicadas in the trees above.

Hot and exhausted we finally arrived in Ipsos. This place looked really familiar and memories of drinking at Tartan Tammies bar and the Pussycat pub in 1987 came flooding back.

Just like Dassia it has a really narrow beach.

After spending some time in the sea I decided to go parasailing, they didn't offer that here though which was a disappointment, I would have to go parasailing in Dassia. Instead my wife and I went on a large inflatable, €10 each and a good 15 minutes of being pulled along by a speed boat, loved it!

I definitely remember this bar from my visit in the 80's, we decided to go and search for what used to be Tartan Tammies Bar.

The small premises that was once home to Tartan Tammies now sat derelict. It used to have a firemans pole which took you from the upstairs bar to the toilets downstairs. I can remember getting really drunk on Ouzo here on a couple of occasions with my Mum and Alex.

Zorba's Restaurant seemed like a good spot to stop for some lunch.

I decided to stay of the alcohol completely today, instead I ordered this delicious strawberry thick shake.

A heavy down pour followed a few rumbles of thunder and lighting bolts, quite satisfying to watch sheltered in the restaurant.

The pizza here was really nice, this was the Greek pizza with plenty of feta cheese on.

The tuna salad here looked pretty good.

I wanted meat today but couldn't decide what type so ordered the mixed grill.

A delicious mix of chicken, lamb, steak, kebab, sausage, chips and salad. 

I wasn't feeling hungry but the sweetcorn this chap was selling on the street looked and smelt amazing.

My wife and I decided to explore Ipsos further, we briefly considered climbing up in to the mountain but in this heat it seemed a bit insane.

The heat was getting quite unbearable so we stopped for a drink, this always tastes better from a glass bottle.

I also ordered a Frappe, a Greek foam covered iced coffee drink made from instant coffee, incredibly nice and refreshing.

We walked a fair distance uphill getting a great view of Ipsos down below.

On the walk back through Ipsos I bought a chocolate and vanilla ice cream, a whippy too which was a bonus!

I had no intention of eating a full English breakfast during my time in Corfu, this sign outside Sally's Bar made me curious though. We decided to return here for breakfast tomorrow.

You don't have to walk very far in Corfu before seeing a cat, they all seem really friendly and most are happy to be stroked. 

Back at the villa Kiki had kindly made us the most amazing tzatziki, this Greek yogurt based dip containing cucumber and dill was perfect spread over some fresh bread. 

Kiki also made amazing homemade jam, I spread some onto some bread and finished off the evening with another Papadopoulos biscuit. My thoughts were on the breakfast at Sally's Bar tomorrow morning and we'd also decided to buy some tickets for a boat trip later in the week to the nearby islands of Paxos and Antipaxos.

Click here for Day 4
Parasailing and cocktails

1 comment:

  1. That tuna salad looks great, so simple but somehow more elegant then our mayo laden versions!
