
Saturday 22 August 2015

The Greek Food Adventure - Day 2

A trip to Dassia

With a slight hangover I opened the curtains and was greeted by this stunning view.

Above where we we were sitting late last night hung masses of grapes.

The villa looked even more impressive in daylight.

This looked like a nice spot to relax in.

Around the back was another seating area and a sink, perfect for preparing meals outside and not far away was a BBQ.

This was everyones favourite spot though. Because of the many mosquitos all the windows and doors had mesh to prevent them entering the house.

Having fully explored the house I went with my wife to explore Kato Korakiana.

The incredible tomatoes we'd eaten last night could be seen growing everywhere.

Joy's Cafe was open and we were in need of a coffee so in we went.

Inside had a distinct Aztec feel and excellent air conditioning. It was already really hot outside so sitting inside here was really refreshing.

We ordered a cappuccino before heading to the local shop.

We grabbed a few supplies here before returning to the house.

All of us decided to visit the nearby resort of Dassia stopping of here for some cold drinks to take to the beach.

This was our first view of the sea, this place certainly brought back some memories. I can remember parasailing from this beach back in 1987.

The beach here isn't particularly wide!

We walked a short distance to this more secluded area, not very comfortable to walk on bare foot though. I later discovered this part of the beach was in front of the closed down and derelict Club Med resort.

This boat had been long forgotten.

This derelict cafe area would have been a hive of activity before Club Med closed down here in 2003.

More derelict buildings caught my eye, then I heard my wife mention ice cream.

A bit like a cornetto but so much bigger!

Eventually we headed back to the busier area of the beach, it was much easier to walk on this sand. 

After a dip in the sea we all relaxed under the palm trees, we were starting to feel quite peckish though.

Blue Bar Restaurant was just beside the beach, the perfect spot for some lunch.

Again I noticed how the restaurant was almost empty despite it being lunchtime in a prime location. Many people have since told me the all inclusive hotels are partially to blame for this. I'm not a fan of all inclusive as it makes you feel like you can't venture too far from the hotel for fear of missing out on meal or free drink. I would much rather leave my accomodation and spend the day exploring and visiting bars and restaurants on the way.

It had to be a Mythos!

My wife chose the Blue Bay Vegetarian special, a visually impressive selection of items including courgettes, peppers, beans and a falafel. My favourite on this dish was the delicious Dolmades, seasoned rice wrapped in vine leaves.

I ordered the Blue Bay special pizza, it wasn't just the mix of toppings that made this special though. The base was really crispy and tasted of cheese too, almost like a giant cheese straw, very enjoyable to eat!

At the end of the meal this watermelon arrived on the house.

This was the platform I had parasailed from in 1987, it suddenly occurred to me that I should repeat the experience at some point during my time here.

All the other water sports on offer here looked like really good fun too, especially the inflatables.

We headed back towards the villa stopping at the local shop for some Ouzo and beer.

I loved the way the shop displayed their eggs.

I spotted this Greek cola in the shop and bought a bottle, I felt it my duty to try it. The man in the shop warned me that Coca Cola was the one I should be buying, he had a really good point actually as this tasted like a flat Panda pop.

We decided to try some Corfu Beer. I much preferred Mythos but it wasn't too bad.

Back on my 1987 trip to Corfu I spent many an evening drunk on Ouzo, I decided to repeat the experience this evening.

As soon as you add water to Ouzo it turns cloudy, as do your memories the morning after!

Kiki brought us this Ouzo to try, I loved the label.

We continued drinking Ouzo and beer till the early hours, I enjoyed vaping strawberry "shake it up" from French company Liquideo through the isub on the MVP3 Pro, a great set up.

Damion and I were the only people still up, eventually we decided to call it a night though.

Click here for Day 3
Off to Ipsos


  1. Great looking pizza, I know they use more olive oil in their dough.

  2. Makes you realise how corporate hotels and resorts strangle the local business.Then when they are done they move on and leave all their crap behind for the locals to live with. Sad state of affairs.
