
Monday 24 August 2015

The Greek Food Adventure - Day 4

Parasailing and cocktails

We were up quite early this morning making our way to Sally's Bar in Ipsos for breakfast. We'd discovered a much more scenic route to Ipsos giving stunning views out to sea, in the far distance you could see Albania.

I really liked this building we spotted further down the road, stunning lines!

Something else we encountered often in Corfu is chickens, these ones were hanging out with a family of cats. In Kato Korakiana we were never far away from a cockerel calling out.

This car had been abandoned at the bottom of the road, probably somebody's pride and joy at some point. Abandoned things fascinate me though so I had to take a photo.

Finally we arrived at Sally's Bar in Ipsos.

Read my breakfast review here.

On the way back from breakfast I noticed the entrance to the now derelict Club Med complex. It certainly put Ipsos firmly on the map back in the day with the Club 18-30 holidays. It was quite sad to see it closed and made me wonder how much of an impact the closure had on the resort.

We stopped off at a cake shop, this looked really nice but so did the homemade biscuits, my wife decided to buy some.

This mini frozen dessert cost €1, it was topped with strawberry flavoured chocolate.

Inside was delicious vanilla ice cream.

My wife bought a pair of mini biscuit ice creams.

Back at the villa we opened the box of homemade biscuits, they all looked really nice.

This Viennese biscuit had a fruit filling and was covered at one end with chocolate sprinkles.

This one was quite similar but dipped in almonds, both were incredibly nice.

This was my favourite though, a smooth chocolate biscuit filled with chocolate cream.

A pit stop back at the house and we were back in Dassia again, it was time to go parasailing at Dassia Ski Club.

Once harnessed up it was just a case of running off the pier as the rope attached to the speedboat tightened. It's a really peaceful experience 70 feet up in the air and you're rewarded with stunning views along the coastline. After about 12 minutes you're slowly dropped into the sea, simply undo the harness and climb onto the speed boat. It cost 35 euros and was money well spent, the staff are really helpful and friendly too. I'd gone parasailing from this exact spot back in 1987 and it was great to experience it once more.

Straight after Parasailing we went on this, €10 each and fairly gentle but great fun.

We noticed the small rings looked quite fast and more of a challenge so we went on them next. Your arms will ache afterwards as you hold on for your dear life, my wife hit a big wave and came off hers, excellent fun though and highly recommended.

Time to relax with a Mythos!

I can never sit still for too long on a beach before I want to be off doing something.

My wife and I decided to walk to Ipsos to buy the tickets for the boat trip to Paxos on Friday. Before leaving though we had to convince the chap selling fake sun glasses, watches and selfie sticks that we really didn't need any of his things. He didn't give up easily though!

We only made it a few meters along the beach when we spotted this beach bar, time for some lunch.

This cherry juice here was really nice and refreshing.

The beach bar kitten came and joined us briefly.

This burger and chips was really nice and cost just €4, bargain!

With the boat trip tickets purchased we passed the sweetcorn seller again, this time we just had to try one.

Butter was brushed over the sweetcorn and salt was also added as it cooked on the BBQ.

The best sweetcorn I can ever recall eating and well worth €2.

Before leaving Ipsos we stopped for a Granita, quite similar to a slush puppie.

We'd walked miles today so the last stretch uphill to the villa was quite a struggle in the heat.

A much needed cold beer back at the villa before heading out once more for some dinner.

Select Restaurant had impressed us on the first night so we decided to return.

Gregory the owner took our order and seemed delighted that tonight the restaurant was much busier.

I try not to eat too much of the bread served with the meal as it quickly fills you up, very difficult to resist though when served with real butter.

Gregory's house salad is really nice, the local tomatoes are easily the best I'd ever tasted, packed full of flavour.

Tonight I chose Dolmades, leaves stuffed with rice and meat served in a lemon cream sauce. The low light made it difficult to take a decent photo but I'd definitely chosen wisely.

An amazing dish beautifully cooked and served with a sauce that accompanied it perfectly.

I added some of the handcut chips and salad to the plate, thoroughly enjoyable!

At the end of the meal kumquat liqueur was served.

Joy's Cafe served cocktails so we decided to go and try some.

A wise choice indeed as they served great cocktails here, I started with a White Russian.

Next up a mojito, you could certainly taste the alcohol in these!

Before long we were on the tequila shots.

Followed by more cocktails.

And more tequila shots.

During our cocktails and shots some fresh fruit arrived at the table, delicious! During the evening at Joy's Cafe we dropped two glasses, we felt terrible about this but they were very forgiving. Joy's Cafe is definitely worth visiting if you're in Kato Korakiana.

Click here for Day 5
A trip to Corfu Town

1 comment:

  1. Wonder what that abandoned motor was, looks like a 90's Mustang.
