
Thursday 26 September 2019

Punk Rock Holiday Adventure - Chapter 2, Day 6

Buffet breakfast and NOFX

This morning we ventured into Tolmin for breakfast and decided to check out the buffet breakfast at Hotel Dvorec. Just €10 allowed you to join the masses in helping yourself to anything you could reach and the selection was vast. We certainly got our moneys worth here and rehydrated with endless glasses of fresh orange juice. Just for good measure we took a few cakes with us for later too. The food here was surprisingly good and as is always the case at buffet breakfasts I returned to the table with a completely random selection.

At the local Hofer supermarket we stocked up on some vodka and Red bull. Some buskers outside kept shoppers entertained whilst earning more beer money.

These potato sticks ended up travelling with me back to the UK, just never got around to eating them!

Some friends had recommended Polish band CF98 who were playing the beach stage this afternoon. I'm so glad we managed to catch them playing, really fucking great band! Halfway through their set the heavens opened so we watched them huddled underneath an umbrella, yep not very punk rock but I met a few new friends in a matter of minutes.

The clouds soon passed and the sun was shining again. We caught a glimpse of the paddle boat which had travelled up river from nearby Most Na Soci. We didn't go on it this year but had done so last year, a highly recommended daytime activity if you're nursing a hangover.

Resolutions from Germany gave it everything with their set which kept us glued until the end.

There's always at least one band you see at a festival that you know you must see again as soon as possible. For us that was London street punk band Booze & Glory, we didn't know any of their songs but when a band is this catchy it just didn't matter.  We'll be seeing them in London in November, can't wait!

The crowd loved them as much as we did and joined them (with my wife) on stage towards the end of their set. Top stuff and amazing band, go check them out.

A quick pit stop for a slice of pizza before returning to the main stage.

We didn't quite make it though as we joined the Norwich crew for a beer, it was really nice to sit down for a bit and catch up with everyone.

The final band of the night was NOFX. I'd seen them once before at Boomtown Fair many years ago but couldn't really remember much about that. This time though I took everything in and enjoyed the show, a great end to the night. Four nights down, just one more to go!

Click here for Day 7
Final day of PRH

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