
Friday 24 August 2018

Punk Rock Holiday Adventure - Day 5

All day experience at PRH

We had somehow managed to avoid a hangover three days in a row which was quite impressive! Even more impressive was this huge moth that greeted us on the way to breakfast this morning, it was as wide as my hand!

This morning I was considering trying something different for breakfast. The omelettes were so good though I decided to play it safe and ordered one. A selection of liquid refreshment arrived first.

Whilst waiting for the omelette to arrive some homemade apple strudel was brought to the table. I did get to try something different after all and it was delicious.

Once again the omelette didn't disappoint. I'm guessing it was local eggs and cheese, possibly from the surrounding farms.

Today we arrived at the festival site at lunchtime as we wanted to spend time at the beach stage. We noticed that an inflatable unicorn race was planned, it would be taking place tomorrow though.

We caught some bands over a few cold beers.

Then we sat beside the river with some Norwich friends, the drinks kept flowing.

There seemed little point in returning back to our hotel before the bands started tonight. It was nice to sit back and relax for a couple of hours with the rest of the Norwich crew back at the campsite.

As the evening drew in we made our way towards the main stage to catch some more bands.

We'd missed the first band but caught the second half of Bad Cop/Bad Cop from California.

Time for another melonball cocktail!

The Lillingtons, their sound is often compared to The Ramones.

I'd seen Talco a couple of years back in Barcelona when they supported The Toy Dolls. I really enjoyed their set tonight and they really got the party started!

Talco in action.

It did cross my mind to crowd surf but I had a drink in my hand so sadly wasn't able to.

Lagwagon closed the night playing their album "Let's talk about feelings" in full from beginning to end.

By the end of Lagwagon's set the crowd had joined them up on the stage. Yet another amazing night at Punk Rock Holiday, best festival ever for sure!

Click here for
Day 6 - The final night of PRH

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