
Saturday 18 April 2020

Gran Canaria Adventure - Day 8

Final Day in Fataga

This morning we went for breakfast at the cafe next to the petrol station. I'd noticed the locals here ordering a tortilla sandwich so decided to try one. Served warm it tasted really good and was a decent size too. Over a coffee we decided we would spend our final day here relaxing in the village and making the most of the cottage.

We took a morning stroll around Fataga seeing if there was an alleyway we hadn't yet found. The sun was beating down once again and although the evenings inland are slightly chillier the daytime temperatures feel the same as on the South coast.

This cactus made us laugh!

I can highly recommend a trip to Fataga if you're visiting Gran Canaria. It's a beautiful village and so relaxing compared to the large tourist resorts.

The mountainous terrain makes for breathtaking views.

These alleyways were drapped with stunning blossoms and lined with fruit trees in places.

The church of Fataga sits in a large square close to the main bus stop. There's public toilets here too as well as two shops selling local crafts and produce.

Earlier today we'd booked a table for lunch at Restaurante Albaricoque as we knew the outside terrace can get very busy. We'd specified a table at the edge of the terrace which we were delighted to find was reserved when we arrived.

The perfect view with a large Cruzcampo beer in the sunshine.

Ella enjoying her beer at Restaurante Albaricoque. This was on Sunday 9th February and we had no idea that in just over a months time Coronovirus was going to spread worldwide causing so much distruption and so many deaths. 

For lunch I decided to order the Canarian sweet suasache. It looked like black pudding to me so an easy decision.

It was basically a plate of black pudding served with a sweet sauce, delicious!

My wife chose the vegatable stew which she informed me tasted way better than it looked!

For dessert we shared this cake with cream. I can't for the life of me remember much else about it, tasted great though.

This dessert was far more memorable, the house special Chocolate Garden. 

Ok, so the flower pot wasn't edible but the contents were. A rich chocolate mouse topped with crushed Oreos and a sprig of mint. 

We walked our lunch off by taking another stroll around Fataga. We never tired of walking around these beautiful streets, especially in this glorious sunshine.

You never had to walk very far before finding a cat sunbathing on the pavement. Talking of cats we hadn't seen Lucy for a few days now.

Back at the cottage we spent the afternoon relaxing. My wife read a book and I sat back in the hammock with a glass of wine, sheer bliss!

As I looked out across Fataga looking so peaceful it was difficult to imagine the storms causing havoc back home by Storm Ciara. It looked like the storms would be gone by the time we returned on Tuesday though which was a huge relief.

For the third night in a row we returned to Fataga grill and sat beside the giant cow on the terrace. Tony had looked after us well so we wanted to show our support.

As it turned out though Tony was in the kitchen this evening so we didn't get to see him again FOH. He cooked us a great pizza with Caprese salad which we shared with a cold beer.

Click here for
Day 9 - Las Palmas

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