
Sunday 28 July 2019

Japanese Adventure, Chapter 4 - Day 20. More from Kurashiki

You can usually always find somewhere serving breakfast close to a train station in Japan and Kurashiki was no exception. We spotted this small coffee shop in a small mall directly underneath the station.

It had been here since 1980 and judging by the decor I'm pretty certain not much had changed in 39 years!

The breakfast set here consisted of coffee, buttered fruit loaf and eggs. Not the greatest breakfast but it only set us back 400 yen each.

We returned back to the hotel to formulate a plan for the day over another coffee and some biscuits.

Some very cute Milky biscuits!

Having looked up a few places to visit we hit the streets of Kurashiki again.

My first port of call was Denim Street for a blue bubblegum ice cream, loved it!

Next we looked up the Japanese Toy Museum which was also home to the Dogs Museum.

The toy museum displayed an impressive selection of toys covering many decades.

Later we found a Christmas shop that's open throughout the year!

We popped back to the hostel for a brief lunch pit stop having bought some food from the nearby supermarket. I feasted on Okonomiyaki and tempura shrimps & vegetables, both delicious!

Back on the edge of the Historical Quarter I found a shop selling a selection of kushiage. I tried this deep fried breaded horse mackerel (costing 80 yen) and it was so good!

As my wife sketched some scenes beside the canal I just stood taking it all in, what a beautiful spot this was!

Later that evening we drank plum wine over ice on the roof terrace.

I was craving sausages all day so was delighted to find some in the supermarket.

Click here for Day 21
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