
Monday 18 July 2016

The River Kitchen - Wroxham

Riverside Road
NR12 8UD

Breakfast served
Monday to Saturday - 9am till 1am
Sunday - 9.30 till 11am

The River Kitchen can be found behind the small shopping precinct in Wroxham. We parked for free in Roys car park across the road but there's also parking available (pay and display) right outside the cafe.

Inside looked lovely but as the sun was shining we decided to eat outside today.

The outside decking area has plenty of tables and a few parasols if you prefer to sit in the shade.

With views like this sitting outside is hard to resist!

I spotted this on the way out after eating so be remember to collect stuff as you arrive.

 The menu offers a good selection of breakfasts including a proper vegetarian option.

I forget how much the coffee cost but it tasted great and I loved the tiny milk churn that the milk came in, very cute!

The ketchup arrived in a small jar, it seemed to contain just the right amount inside.

The Chef's Breakfast cost £10 and included all the main items you would hope to find on a full English breakfast. Presentation was good and everything was served nice and hot.

The sausages were from Clevelys, they worked well on this breakfast.

The bacon was well cooked and quite tough, still a pleasure to eat though! The black pudding was a nice fat slice and the butter was served in a small jar.

The beans came in a pot and the bread was toasted evenly.

Delicious mushrooms and an egg with a frilly edge and intact yolk.

The yolk was a mix of runny and soft, it tasted great on top of some buttered toast.

The tomatoes were quite nice, I generally cover them in ketchup anyway.

My wife's veggie breakfast, she really enjoyed it. I took the photo a bit late as I was waiting for her toast to arrive, this was taken after she had cut through the yolk and added pepper.

I was working out where to go for breakfast next in Norwich when somebody on my facebook page reminded me about The River Kitchen in Wroxham. I'd been meaning to visit for a long time now and my wife suggested we went for a drive out to Wroxham, the sun was shining so it seemed like an excellent plan. Once in Wroxham we parked at Roys and headed over the road in search of The River Kitchen, it was easy enough to find and as the name suggests could be found right beside the river...

Upon entering - The beautifully decorated cafe interior was light and spacious with it's lovely table cloths, mis-matched chairs and flowers on each table. The sun was shining though so we headed outside and sat right next to the river, a peaceful spot with stunning views. The breakfast menu featured a good selection of breakfasts for every appetite as well as a proper vegetarian option. Once you've decided what you'd like place your order at the counter inside where you'll be given a table number, outside there's a table where you can collect cutlery, condiments and sugar. The food and drinks are brought to the table when they are ready and sauces are available on request. Simply settle your bill at the counter on the way out. A peaceful and relaxing setting to enjoy breakfast and the welcome you're given makes you feel right at home. 9/10

Service - All the staff we encountered here were incredibly friendly, helpful and welcoming.  We were greeted and given menu's when we arrived and were told to place our order inside once we'd decided what we wanted. After ordering our drinks arrived first followed by the food, we were offered ketchup which arrived in small jars, each jar seemed to contain the perfect amount so this worked well. We were initially confused about the salt, pepper and cutlery situation but we'd simply not spotted it on the table nearby with a sign saying "please help yourself". The waitress went to collect some for us which was very kind. During the meal we were asked if everything was ok and we were asked again as we we paid at the end. The staff here seemed to enjoy their work and as a team ensured everything was run really smoothly whilst making their customers feel really welcome. 9/10

Contents - 2 sausages, 2 slices of bacon, 1 slice of black pudding, 1 fried egg, 1 hash brown, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes and a slice of toast served with butter. 8/10

Presentation - A nice large plate was used and it was one of those breakfasts that fills you full of joy when it arrives. The items were nicely placed on the plate with the butter served in a small jar, the toast sat on the side but with a plate this size nothing felt overcrowded. Everything looked a good colour and the bread had been evenly toasted to a nice shade of brown. The egg was looking a bit frilly on the edges but I quite like this and the bacon looked a bit overcooked. I had been expecting the beans to arrive served in a tiny frying pan, instead they came in a small pot, not a problem at all though as everything looked neat and tidy. 8/10

The food - The sausages from Clevelys were a great breakfast sausage with a nice meaty texture and simple flavour. The bacon was a bit overcooked and slightly tough to cut through, despite this I did thoroughly enjoy it though, really nice to chew on! The black pudding was a really delicious fat slice, for me the highlight of the breakfast. I buttered the toast and popped the egg on top, slightly frilly around the edges with a semi runny yolk, it tasted great though. The hash brown was crispy and the beans piping hot. My least favourite part of any breakfast is the tomato, here it was nicely cooked and reasonably tasty, I added some ketchup over the tomato as I often do to add to the flavour. Finally the mushrooms, delicious and cooked to perfection. 8/10

Value for money - The Chef's Breakfast cost £10, certainly a great breakfast but being the largest breakfast on the menu I was quite surprised it didn't include double eggs and double hash browns. The stunning view and the fact this breakfast still really fills you up does kind of make up for this though. 6/10

Veggie option - 2 veggie sausages, halloumi, 1 hash brown, 1 fried egg, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes and a slice of toast served with butter. £7.50

Overall - A beautiful spot to enjoy a great breakfast, whether you're eating inside or outside you're spoilt with a stunning view over the river. The staff are friendly and make you feel right at home here which is always a real bonus when going out for breakfast. The River Kitchen is well worth visiting if you're in Wroxham or just passing through. 8/10



  1. Haven't been to Wroxham for a few years! Have to say I'm not convinced at £10. For me a high end breakfast has to be pretty much perfect. In my case that means a runny egg with no frazzled edges (vile), nicely cooked bacon..not chewy, and seasoned tomatoes. That being said, that black pudding is the best looking I've seen you review, love to know where its from.

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