
Sunday 12 June 2016

Cafe Oasis - Norwich Airport

Norwich International Airport
Amsterdam Way

Breakfast served daily

Cafe Oasis can be found in the check in area and also in the departure lounge. 

The seating area is a decent size but remember to take your luggage with you when you go to order your food, you will have fun trying to carry it all back to the table again!

There's a self service coffee machine and hot water urn in the centre.

The cappuccino was fairly nice but quite expensive.

You choose from 6 or 9 items from the hot held breakfast selection.

This was to be our final meal before flying to Japan for 3 weeks. I started to wonder if waiting to eat at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam where we were transferring to another flight might have been a better plan.

It was a fairly sorry sight and wasn't very hot.

The rubbery fried eggs had been sitting under hot lamps for way too long.

Overcooked sausages and pale looking bacon, the hash brown was really chewy.

Tinned mushrooms and lukewarm beans.

My wife's choice of items, in her words "A load of slop"

I was travelling to Japan for 3 weeks with my wife and our journey was starting at Norwich Airport. I hadn't used Norwich Airport since 2006 but can remembered there being a Full English breakfast being served in the departure lounge cafe back then, we'd decided to stop for breakfast if it was still available. After reluctantly paying our £10 airport development fee we headed into the departure lounge...

Upon entering - The cafe is spacious and clean but the entire ordering process is quite awkward and frustrating. With luggage in hand (you can't leave it unattended) collect a tray and go and choose your breakfast items. Place your breakfast on the tray, collect condiments and push/pull everything towards the counter where you will pay. Next you need to collect drinks and cutlery before getting everything back to the table. I suppose one person could go and order whilst the other person looks after the luggage but then they would have double the stuff to carry back on the tray. 3/10

Service - The lady serving us was incredibly friendly and helpful, she served us our food and then headed to the till to take our payment. Even when the cafe was getting quite busy she made time to return my case to me that I had left at the till. 9/10

Contents - You can choose from: sausages, bacon, fried eggs, hash browns, mushrooms, beans, tinned tomatoes and toast. 7/10

Presentation - Everything looked rubbery and like it had been sitting under hot lamps for far too long. 3/10

The food - Chewy and lukewarm sausages and bacon, rubbery hash brown and fried eggs with solid yolks. The tinned mushrooms and beans were the slightly better items but they were both barely hot still by the time I sat down to eat. 3/10

Value for money - The breakfast with a hot drink costs over £10. After eating it I couldn't decide what was a bigger waste of money, the breakfast or the airport development fee! 3/10

Veggie option - No .
Overall - Excellent service but an awkward ordering process for a hot held breakfast that really isn't worth the money. 4.5



  1. Your dedication to your blog is wonderful - it's been quite a few years since I last had to go through a British airport, but the food on offer at Ringway (Manchester) used to be dire.

    Fortunately, when I went through Birmingham, the plane timings were right that I could go via my local greasy spoon for what was certainly a much cheaper (and probably a much better) breakfast.

  2. You were lucky with the service. Last time I was there, the woman behind the counter was about as miserable as you can get without actually telling customers to f**k off. Have a great time in Japan.

  3. £10 for that? Now I really would love to see what the brekko is like at Schiphol.

  4. Are we going to see some reviews of any Japanese fry-ups? (If there is such a thing.)

    1. Not reviews as such but all my breakfasts in Japan will be getting a mention over the coming weeks.
