
Monday 1 February 2016

Salubrious Sauce Co - Original British Breakfast Sauce

Jim from Salubrious Sauce Co contacted me recently to tell me about their breakfast sauce, he kindly popped a bottle in the post for me to try and I loved it! I tried it at home first with sausages, bacon and black pudding, it had a distinctive kick which meant it accompanied breakfast meats perfectly. Later in the week I tried it with some rump steak and even on top of some toasted muffins, it worked really nicely on so many things.

With it being a breakfast sauce I decided that the real test would be to try it on a full English breakfast. Pandora's Kitchen in Norwich already serve the sauce with their breakfasts so it was the perfect choice to try it on their Fry Up Inspector breakfast. 

This is how the breakfast sauce is described on their website.  At the "Salubrious Sauce Co" we love a cooked breakfast aka a fry up. We were getting a little tired of same old tomato ketchup flavour and felt that sometimes a brown sauce didn't quite work for us, so we went about creating British Breakfast Sauce. We worked on picking the best bits of the good old tomato ketchup with a nod to brown sauce, we added some more depth and flavour by adding some Worcestershire sauce and smoky chilli!

I usually like ketchup on my breakfast and sometimes brown sauce on my beans. I found this breakfast sauce went superbly with everything on the plate, I'm not a fan of anything really spicy but the subtle hint of chilli really gives this sauce the kick that makes it so special.

The stunning flavour and thick texture of the sauce has really won me over, my wife adores it too. There are a number of places stocking it which can be found here, hopefully this list will grow over time. If you know someone who would like to stock it then get in touch with Jim via the website. I thoroughly recommend this sauce, just what the full English breakfast has been waiting for!


  1. Got to agree with you, excellent sauce, reminds me of my gran's own chutney that's been liquidised.

    PS: have a look at their black pudding sausage is superlative.

  2. I stumbled across this sauce today at a restaurant in Suffolk. It is outstanding! I have since been to the Salubrious Sauce website and ordered a couple of bottles of it. My kids love it too, more than Heinz!!

  3. I stumbled across this sauce today when I was given it at a restaurant in Suffolk. It is absolutely delicious, dare I say 'outstanding'. I have since ordered a couple of bottles directly from the salubrious sauce website. It goes with virtually everything. My kids love it too, even more than Heinz!!

  4. OMG I'm sold...shame the link doesn't work, I shall investigate deeper.
