
Thursday 31 December 2015

Deepdale Cafe - Burnham Deepdale

Dalegate Market
Main Road 
Burnham Deepdale
PE31 8FB

Breakfast served daily
Summer - 7.30am till 11.45pm
Winter - 8.00am till 11.45pm

Plenty of parking spaces outside

Dog Friendly

Having heard about it on many occasions we decided to finally visit Deepdale Cafe on the North Norfolk Coast.

This was a good deal for local businesses, for others it gets more expensive though.

You will see the counter as you enter, pay here on the way out.

It was really busy when we arrived but we managed to get a table.

The website says they serve breakfast all day, prepare for disappointment if you arrive later than 11.45am though. 

 Plenty of hot drinks at a reasonable price.

The tables are already set with cutlery and serviettes.

Menus and the crucial breakfast sauces are on each table.

Inside the tin bucket you can find more sauces in sachets.

 The cappuccino was really nice.

A selection of sugar and sweeteners arrived with the hot drinks.

The local Parish News kept me occupied whilst I waited for my food to arrive.

The big breakfast cost £9.95, it looked great and was served on a nice hot plate.

The sausages here were really small, they tasted superb though as did the smokey bacon.

Excellent taste and texture!

Beside the Heinz beans sat a perfect looking fried free range egg.

It couldn't have been cooked any better, perfect!

The toast was cut nice and thick from a decent loaf and served with real butter. I thought the butter packets served on top of the toast slightly cheapened the overall appearance of this breakfast though.

A pair of nice crispy hash browns.

Really tasty mushrooms.

Excellent black pudding but quite bland tomatoes.

The veggie breakfast cost £7.95, my wife thoroughly enjoyed it. As I'm writing this I noticed that there's only one vegetarian sausage on the plate, the menu says it includes two though.

I'd lost count how many times I'd been told about Deepdale Cafe in Burnham Deepdale but I knew i'd make it out there someday to try their breakfast. This day finally came on 29th December, my wife and I fancied a walk along the North Norfolk coast and Deepdale Cafe seemed like the perfect choice...

Upon entering - The first thing I noticed was how popular this place was, it was really busy inside but luckily we spotted an empty table in the corner. The cafe is really big with a long counter as you walk in and a kitchen just behind that, the seating area inside offers different sized tables to suit couples and familys. I spotted more seating outside which looked perfect for the warmer months, dogs are also welcome wherever you choose to sit. The tables are already laid with cutlery, serviette, menus and sauces so take a seat and somebody comes over to take your order. On your way out stop by the counter to settle your bill. With it being so busy it was quite noisy so I was glad that we were able to sit by a window, I would have struggled to relax on a table in the centre. 7/10

Service - The staff here were really efficient but it certainly wasn't service with a smile. I wondered if it was due to it being the week between Christmas and New Year, nobody ever seems particularly happy about working during this time. We waited at the counter and told somebody we were here for breakfast, they looked up at the clock and told us to take a seat somewhere. The look at the clock made sense as soon as I saw the menu, despite the "all day breakfast" claim on the website the menu clearly stated that it was served only until 11.45am, we had only just made it with minutes to spare! Somebody came and took our order giving us the option of white or brown toast. Shortly after that our cappuccinos arrived, one had spilt and flooded the saucer. Later the food arrived and after the meal we went over to the counter and paid, we were asked if everything was ok and left. Nobody had smiled when serving us, we hadn't been made to feel particularly welcome but the service was efficient. 5/10

Contents - 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 1 fried egg, 1 slice of black pudding, 2 hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, one slice of toast and butter. 8/10

Presentation - The breakfast looked great when it arrived and everything looked nicely cooked. A couple of things did occur to me though, the sausages were really small and I thought the butter packets served on top of the toast cheapened the appearance slightly. 7/10

The food -  The pork sausages may have been rather small but they had a nice firm, meaty texture and great taste. The smoked bacon was excellent and the black pudding had a nice coarse texture. The free range fried egg was really tasty and perfectly cooked with a deep orange yolk that seeped out when I cut through it. I popped the fried egg on top of the buttered toast, nice evenly toasted and thick cut slices. The hash browns were crispy, the mushrooms were full of flavour and the beans were Heinz. The tomatoes were quite pale and had very little flavour but everything else was delicious and arrived piping hot on a heated plate. 9/10

Value for money - A great breakfast but at £9.95 it seemed a bit overpriced considering it only came with one egg, the sausages were so small and it didn't include a drink. The £9 offer on the board outside which included a drink seemed like a much fairer price but that was for local businesses only. 5/10

Veggie option - 2 vegetarian sausages (my wife was only served one) 1 fried egg, 2 hash browns, mushrooms, beans, tomatoes and a slice of toast served with real butter. £7.95 

Overall - Deepdale Cafe is clearly very popular and I love the fact they're dog friendly too. The breakfast is expensive but is really delicious and the quality of the ingredients really shone through. I do find service with a smile and a friendly welcome goes a long way though and for me this is what was missing here, it really does make all the difference! 7/10



  1. If you fancy going inland I would totally recommend the Breakfast at The Ship in March. It knocks the socks off the Breakfast at Deepdale. I think you will be amazed at the price and friendly welcome.

  2. We once arrived a fraction after 11:45 and were refused a big breakfast. The staff were not rude but nor were they particularly charming. I agree, a good location but not good value for money.

  3. Butter in its packaging placed on the food? Weird. Who knows where those packets have been?

  4. I've visited on a few occasions, never been refused breakfast after 11:45 but the waitress does check with the kitchen to see if its ok. after seeing the range of lunch offers i can see why it would be hard. The waitress did explain its a small kitchen. I did then notice that the main breakfasts and all breakfast sandwiches are available all day though.
    Worth a visit.
