
Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Greek Food Adventure - Day 6

Back in Ipsos

Kiki had made us another batch of her amazing homemade tzatziki, that was breakfast sorted!

The Kerkyra (Corfu) Annex of the National Gallery, in Kato Korakiana, was inaugurated in 1993. The annex houses a permanent collection of Modern Greek art dating from the beginnings of the independent Greece until today. We decided to take a look, it cost just €2.50 and was well worth visiting.

It's housed in two renovated historic buildings, Castellino and Castelleto. The art is displayed on 3 floors of the building and the air conditioning inside is a a welcome relief from the heat outside.

The Friday boat trip to Paxos we'd bought tickets for wasn't sounding quite so appealing as we read more about it online. We were supposed to be going on our last full day in Corfu but spending hours at sea and hoping none of us suffered from sea sickness eventually put us off. We headed back to Ipsos hoping the tour operator would be willing to give us a refund.

The tour operator were happy to refund us providing we returned after 7pm this evening to collect the money. This was great news, we celebrated with a nice cold beer.

This place was very tempting, we decided to stop here for some lunch.

The Asteria Restaurant was beside the marina in Ipsos.

The view from our table was superb!

Whilst browsing through the menu the restaurant cat came to greet us.

A Greek salad was proving to be the perfect way to start a meal.

These shrimps tasted amazing, they came with a pot of tzatziki but although this restaurant served great food, Kiki's tzatziki was far better.

My wife ordered some courgette balls, I got to try one and was really impressed. Before arriving in Corfu we'd wondered how much vegetarian food would available, it's safe to say that vegetarians are well looked after here.

I really enjoyed the calamari, I was expecting it to arrive in batter but lightly fried with a squeeze of lemon seemed to be the method used here and it worked nicely.

This small shop fascinated me with its rickety book display.

Back in Kato Korakiana I tried one of these from the local shop, strawberry and vanilla ice cream coated in chocolate and nuts. It didn't last long in the heat but was a great combination and even nicer than a Magnum.

Back at the villa my wife took it easy in the hammock whilst I was busy examining limes.

Kiki's cat Melissa was really friendly and each day she would come over for a stroke.

Having already been to Ipsos today we still needed to return to receive our refund for the boat trip so we made our way back there. Not many places on the route there had pavements so you had to watch out for the passing cars, scooters and quad bikes. Occasionally a small stretch of pavement would appear but it often ended quite suddenly.

I really liked this building, I think scissorhands above the supermarket was a pet groomer.

With our boat trip money refunded we returned to Zorba's Restaurant, last time we ate here it seemed pretty good so we knew we wouldn't be disappointed.

The only beer you will want to drink in Greece, love it!

Some of us ordered pizzas, this was the house special.

I wanted to try Moussaka again as I'd enjoyed it so much yesterday in Corfu Town. Zorba's Mousakka was much better though and a dish that I decided I wanted to try again when I got home to England. I've since tried Tesco Finest Moussakka costing £3.60, not bad at all!

We passed Panorama Restaurant in Kato Korakiana on the way back to the villa, the "Live dancing & Live music" sign caught our eye. We asked the owner how often this happened, he told us that as very few customers come to the restaurant anymore they no longer offer this. The restaurant had a stunning view though as the name suggested, we decided to return here for a meal at some point before leaving Corfu.

A few of us stayed up till quite late drinking some beers outside the villa.

Kiki had made us a delicious tomato marmalade, it tasted amazing!

Before heading off to bed I was joined by this friendly cricket.

Click here for Day 7
A day at the beach and a restaurant with a view

1 comment:

  1. My mrs is coming for Christmas and cooking a big Moussaka for us, apparently cinnamon, nutmeg and egg white in the cheese sauce is the secret, plus the Greek oregano she is bringing.
