
Thursday 17 July 2014

2014 Spanish Food Adventure - Day 6

Rain, strawberry cake, decent pizza and rainbows.

 We awoke this morning to heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Yay, beans again! 

 I attempted being healthy for a brief moment by choosing some melon, this moment didn't last long though as two chocolate pastries were placed next to it. I got some crembo incase the pastries were not chocolatey enough, thankfully they were but I ate the crembo anyway.

Our planned day of cycling was not looking too promising..

 Instead we ventured out on foot in search of some strawberry cake.

 Bar Centric is the place to go in Calella if you fancy strawberry cake.

I went for the biggest piece on the menu with extra cream. The strawberries are delicious but the jelly that holds them together is not quite so nice. A thick layer of artificial cream is sandwiched between two layers of sponge, a squirt of cream on top completes this rather tasty slab of cake.

An Americano coffee with bonus biscuit washed it down quite nicely.

 The rain kept on falling so we returned to the hotel with a large packet of prawn cocktail crisps. 

 One lonely tomato was left on the balcony purchased by my wife on day four. She decided it would be a great idea to make a crisp sandwich with it so set about cutting it with scissors.

 It was quite a tasty little snack but boredom was clearly setting in on this wet and cloudy day and even Candy Crush Saga was driving us nuts.. Time to search for a really nice pizza!

We figured our best shot at eating a great pizza would be at Don Carlos Pizzeria.

The place was fairly empty but on this wet day we were happy to sit inside.

We started the proceedings with a really nice jug of sangria, not much fruit in this one though..

Now this was a much better pizza than we had eaten at Bon Lloc on day four, incredibly big with a thin crust and plenty of topping.

We both had the house special, the Don Carlos. A nice combination of ham, prawns, anchovies and artichokes, a really great pizza!

The rain finally started to stop so we took our jug of sangria outside.

We spotted a rainbow between the buildings.

A beautiful sight and nice end to an entire day of rain.

We headed back towards the hotel, today may have been a bit of a wash out but tomorrow we were returning to Barcelona!

In the local supermarket I spotted this sorry looking sandwich for €1.50, it reminded me that I must track down the squidgy sandwich I spotted in Barcelona from day two.

We thought about buying some chocolate but this nougat caught our eye.

As Nougat goes it was quite nice but better foods were on our mind to try tomorrow. We were determined to try some proper tapas, creme catalana and of course that squidgy sandwich!

Day 7 - Back in Barcelona! A luxury freebie, El Raval Cat, coffee and fartons! Click here.

1 comment:

  1. Blimey old fashioned nougat, not seen that for years. Seriously you BOTH had one of those big pizza's?
