
Sunday 17 November 2013

Flaming Galah's The Aussie Pie Stop - Norwich

123 Ber Street

Tel: 07837 915375

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Flaming Galahs is on Ber Street in Norwich, a short walk from the city centre. A few people had recently mentioned it to me saying the pies were amazing so I was keen to go and try one for myself.

The premises is a former fish and chip shop so it is well equipped to keep the pies at the perfect temperature. The current menu can be seen here and weekly specials are also available too including sweet pies. The pies are subject to availability, I phoned ahead to ensure the one I wanted was available and reserved for when I arrived.

I tried the brekkie pie with a mash, mushy pea and gravy topping. You can take them away or eat them inside the shop as I did. There are a few seats and a table by the window, salt, pepper and sauces are available too.

 The brekkie pie contained a filling of sausage, bacon, egg and tomato. There was plenty of filling and it tasted delicious with its crisp golden pastry. The mash, mushy peas and gravy complimented it really nicely, I was told that a beans and mushroom topping will eventually be added to the menu, this sounds like a great idea.

With so many take away outlets serving similar things it was nice to see someone offering something different and doing it so well. I look forward to returning to try some of the other delicious fillings available and highly recommend you go and try one of these amazing pies out for yourself.

- Update -

I couldn't resist trying another pie so today chose the China Town BBQ roast pork pie. This time I added some mint sauce to the mushy peas.

The filling was delicious marinated pork in a chinese BBQ sauce, an excellent combination that worked beautifully in a pie.


  1. I have recently discovered this place and went ther four times last week.
    If you haven't already, I would definately recomed the "Flaming Galah" which is a Panyang Curry Pie.

    1. I will try that one next time I visit, cheers!

  2. Is this place still open, and do they do a 'pie floater'?
