
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Boomtown Fair - Day 1

Boomtown Fair is an unmissable festival and this was going to be my 4th visit, each year Boomtown has grown in size and just keeps getting better. This was going to be a report on festival food at Boomtown but with so much to see and do other than eat food I decided to take you through some of the excellent things we saw and did. We were staying in the campervan field and the journey to Winchester went really smoothly, with awnings attached to the campervans and first drinks in hand we decided to take a look around...

On the descent through the woods to downtown we spotted the Rave Yard, this became a hive of activity later.

Arcadia was all set up for tomorrow, it seemed a bit odd it was not placed in a big dip like last year though.

Devil Kicks Dancehall was the main reason I was here.

 Yep, apart from a few bands on at the main stage Devil Kicks was were I was going to be spending most of my time.

We walked further around the site and discovered the hidden woods.

Up the top of the steep hill the Old Town appeared in the distance.

 Later in the festival smoke started pouring from these.

Time to go on the ferris wheel.

After the ferris wheel we would go on the helter skelter.

I forget how much the ferris wheel cost but it lasted quite a while and was good fun after a few drinks.

 The top of the helter skelter gave great views over the festival.

 If you needed stink bombs or fake teeth the joke shop had everything you needed.

 I spotted the hog roast stall but didn't get round to trying any, a real shame as it was really nice last year.

 Everywhere we looked there were lasers in the sky, we were feeling quite drunk now so went searching for some food.

Iechyd da Catering, I had visited here for breakfast last year (read about it here) and now it was time to try one of their burgers.

Festival food is always really expensive so I was happy enough to spend £5 on a burger. I seem to remember getting into a drunken conversation with them about how I had reviewed them last year too!

To be honest i can't remember too much about eating the burger but it appeared to contain cheese and some onions.

 Looks like there is some salad in there too and the burger looks quite juicy. I wont score it though as I don't really remember eating it!

On the first night we had only managed to walk once around the town which was massive and  the view on the walk back to the campervan field was amazing.

Click here for day 2

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