
Sunday 21 July 2013

Fry Up Inspectors Spanish adventure - Day 4

Day 4 - A trip on the Xino-Xano, a walk in the hills and last night of the festival.

Due to last nights drinking we were feeling a bit hungover this morning so were pleased to find a table outside for breakfast in the fresh air. Strawberry milk seemed like a good idea and we were hoping that eating something would help too.

Todays newcomers to the breakfast buffet were morcilla, a spanish black pudding. Also making a first appearance was pineapple in breadcrumbs and fried piped potato.

Still feeling a bit fragile we hopped on the Xino-Xano tourist train to Calella.

We stopped for a freshly squeezed orange juice in Calella, very refreshing and it seemed to cure the hangover for good.

We walked in the swealtering heat to a hill high above Calella with excellent views.

At the very top were some ancient ruins and the need to get back down in as much shade as possible, the temperature was rising and there was hardly any breeze.

We took a look at a flea market on the way back.

Todays ron roll was excellent as always.

After spending a few hours around the hotel pool trying to keep in the shade we headed out for some dinner. We found an excellent fish restaurant on the way to the venue but wanted something quite plain as we would be drinking again. This chicken and chips cost €9.50 and was quite nice but once you have eaten the chicken and chips from Les Caves in Calella (more about that tomorrow) nothing else seems to match up to it. 7/10

It was going to be a late night again so we had an espresso after the meal to wake us up. Some limoncello arrived with the bill, a strong tasting Italian lemon liqueur. 

We stopped for another generous vodka and tonic on the way.

The first band we saw was The Magnetix from Russia, a good set  from a great band!

The aubergine sandwich on display wasn't really tempting me..

We spent most of this evening sitting around a table outside drinking and talking to friends.

 Next on stage was Demented Scum Cats, they also put on a good show.

I must have been pretty drunk by the end of the night because I can remember staring at this plate thinking it contained a poached egg and an omlette. Turns out it was just a sandwich crust and serviette.

Day 5 - Click here


  1. is that a line of mould on the aubergine sandwich!?

  2. Never stop travelling Mr Fry Up Inspector..Your posts just get better...serviette and sandwich crust!!! :)

  3. Cheers! Thankfully I didn't eat the serviette and sandwich crust!

  4. Not too sure about the line on the aubergine sandwich, could have been!
