
Friday 28 June 2013

Terry's Cafe - London by Neil Hall

158 Great Suffolk Street

Guest review by Neil Hall
  You can find Terry’s Café just off a side street, a 5 minute walk from Borough Station.

 Your Condiments are on the table ready for you, Good Ketchup and Brown Sauce.

 The breakfast menu does the job, and is clear. For the Vegetarians they have food to cater for them. If you go in just before 12 [I was there at 11:50] they will do a Breakfast for you, but the breakfast menu will not be on the table, so ask for it or you can have a smaller All Day Breakfast, I went for the “Hamlet”

A Good Strong Cup of Tea with the tea bag still in the Cup and only at 20p the cheapest cup of Tea in London.

Wow, what can you say about this, I didn’t expect the owner to place bubble and squeak on there due to bad experiences in the past with it, but it was the best I’ve ever had I also had a bowl of chips, on the side.

The Finished Product

Everyone had been telling me about this particular café. I headed down there with my review head in tow and off I went. I found myself at Terry’s Café on a Tuesday afternoon ready to review.

Upon Entering - It’s based in a little side street
(Great Suffolk Street) off the main road. When I eventually walked into I noticed the wonderful exterior of Terry’s Café. I walked in and thought wow it must be good as you’ve got the tourists, the builders and the taxi drivers all in one place! What brought me to this place is that it has the cheapest cup of tea in London at only 20p and the interior is to die for. I thought E Peliccli in Bethnal Green was lovely this is beautiful!! Austin the owner then came and introduced himself to me (Lovely Touch0 8/10

Service - As soon as I sat down I asked if I could see the breakfast menu, which was tucked away as it was so close to 12. I asked for a cup of tea which arrived very quickly and a nice young man, after 5 minutes asked if I was ready to order. I went for the hamlet at £7. The owner then came over and said Do I not like Bubble? And I went I've not really properly had it, so he gave me some! 8/10
Contents - Egg, 3 Slices of Bacon, Huge Cumberland Sausage, Black Pudding 2 slices, Beans or Tomato’s I chose Beans, and mushrooms, and also I ordered a small bowl of Chips, + the owner added Bubble to it. 9/10

Presentation - Everything arrived on the plate in good order and it looked too good to touch. 9/10

The Food - First thing to say WOW! As you bit into the mushrooms you realised how juicy they were and the bubble was to die for, the bacon was so nice it was the richest bacon by far for me, the black pudding was bought that morning from the local market, the egg was so perfect it didn’t run and had the perfect yolk, as you cut into the big Cumberland sausage you feel how heavy it is, and you taste all the flavours and juices from it, I just wish I asked for a Fried Slice Now 9/10

Value for Money - If you want to pay £8 for London’s Best Breakfast come here! If you Want to  pay £5 and get a really nasty breakfast there are some cafes in London that will give you a nasty Breakfast, the staff are friendly and you won’t regret it. 8/10

Vegetarian Option - Yes they do.

Overall - This place was recommended to me as somewhere I have not visited before in the wonderful city of London, so I thought I might as well go and try it out. It’s got to be the best little café in Central London (the weblink for the café is at the top). The owner of the café took it over from his dad and he is a top class guy. His food is all cooked with local ingredients and really cooked well, the value is ok because the food makes up for it you can’t go wrong with it. So make sure you come here for the 40’s music and to kill an hour or more! I will definitely be back for the Fried Slice as well. 9/10

This review was kindly written by Neil Hall.


  1. I live on that street and have yet to go to Terry's. Based on your review I'm going to give it a go.

  2. Nice menu and I feel to taste these recipes.
