
Friday 7 June 2013

Fry up inspectors New York food adventure - Days 5 & 6

Days 5 & 6 - A final visit to Manhattan, pancake, pizza and the journey home.

The last breakfast at Bibi's started with fresh fruit, yoghurt and cereal. Quite healthy and rather tasty 7/10

Then some muffins with butter and jam arrived 5/10

As we left Bibi's for the last time she was outside gardening, we wheeled our suitcases past her and thanked her for the stay. She asked what time our flight was, we explained it was later that evening but she didn't offer to look after our cases for us. We were glad to be leaving a B&B where we hadn't been made to feel very welcome and any simple request was made into a big deal. Bibi had a beautiful home in a lovely neighborhood and cooked lovely food but unless you are made to feel welcome this all becomes quite irrelevant. We trundled our cases away from Bibi's knowing we had been perfectly polite, she was not a particularly good host to us and we would never stay there again. On the plus side it did ensure we spent as little time at the house as possible giving us time to explore some amazing places!

We boarded the subway at Avenue H for the last time and headed into Manhattan.

We decided to try and find Square Diner that we had spotted on day two. Lots of hot dog sellers were pushing their carts to different locations.

The Chelsea Hotel, currently being renovated.

Eventually we found Square Diner with it's classic interior.

I really wanted to try a New York blueberry pancake with maple syrup, I didn't feel hungry enough for a stack so just ordered one. It didn't look particularly special when it arrived.

But once I had cut into and tasted it I was blown away by the texture and flavour. A thick but light and fluffy pancake containing fresh blueberries that soaked up the maple syrup like a sponge. It tasted amazing and was easily the best pancake I had ever eaten! 9/10

Our next stop was the Brooklyn Transit museum, it is housed inside the decommissioned Court Street Station. 

A selection of buses were on display.

On the old platform lots of different metro rolling stock from different decades were on display.

This 1960's one was my favourite.

Some were much older though and you could go inside each one.

It was great to see some of the vintage ads.

As we headed towards the Metro we spotted people eating pizza and realised we just had to try some New York pizza!

The pizza in this deli cost around $3.50 a slice and was easily the best pizza we had ever had the pleasure of eating. A medium, nicely cooked base with plenty of juicy topping 9/10

We took one last look at New York and headed down the stairs of the metro station, it was sad to be leaving this amazing city..

At the airport we couldn't spot anything we fancied eating and ended up at McDonalds. This is a very rare situation as I have no interest in McDonalds and never usually eat there. The Chicken burgers we ordered were actually quite nice though served with swiss cheese and fresh salad in a soft bun 7/10 the fries were like cardboard though! 3/10

Our flight was delayed slightly so we bought a Baby Ruth bar.

Quite nice but basically a picnic 6/10

The rain outside was getting heavier when it was time to board the plane.

I started the flight home with my favourite drink, vodka and tonic.

The meal arrived and was a tad disappointing.. A salad and balsamic dressing for starter with a very firm bread roll and spread. The main course was meat served in a tex mex sauce with rice (I couldn't identify the meat!) followed by a slice of Eli's cheesecake with a cake like base 5/10

Despite the huge choice of films on offer I studied the journey info screen between trying to get some sleep.

I think I manged to get a little bit of sleep and awoke to find nearly everyone else asleep still.

The sun was rising and my thoughts turned to the British Airways full English I was convinced we were going to be served anytime now!!

I was so gutted when this was placed before me, speechless!! 2/10

Back at home I decided to try one more American treat, a Hershey chocolate bar.

It was quite nice but I think I prefereed Cadbury's chocolate. 6/10

Since getting back from New York and writing this..

 My wife had this excellent birthday cake made for me based on Katz's excellent Rueben sandwich!

And she ordered me some Twinkies which I will try soon (really full up on cake at the moment!)


  1. You Must be really happy to be free of "that woman", (no! I don't mean your lovely wife) just think... it could have been worse, think Bates Motel! Like you, NYC is my favourite city in the whole world just don't stay at "that woman's" B&B!

    1. Yep, was glad to see the back of Bibi! Will defo return to New York again some day though Ted!!

  2. I have really enjoyed reading about your New York Adventure. You write so very well, Bibi was a bit of grit in your oyster, and I hope she did not spoil your Holiday to much.

  3. Thanks and glad you enjoyed it. Bibi was a let down but New York City is so amazing it didn't destroy the great time we had there! I love New York so much!!

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  5. This was brilliant. I live in NYC, spend a bit of time in London every year, and it was interesting to read a Brit's take on the City and its food.
    Well-written, with great pics.

    1. Thanks, I really enjoyed visiting New York, my favourite place!

  6. I also live in Connecticut and work in NYC. Next time you should try a trip up to the Hudson Valley , lots of good food up there.

  7. New York is still on my wish list, one day!!
    It sounds great.
