
Friday 24 June 2011

Longwater Cafe - Norwich

- Now closed -

68 Longwater Lane

The cafe can be found off Dereham Road on Longwater lane, there is not much parking space outside though.

Order your food at the counter, the blackboard will help you decide which fry up you are after.

Sit by the window if you prefer or even outside if you fancy it.

The binmen were either camera shy or just very fond of their truck.

The coffee was fairly standard but is included in the price of the breakfast.

The condiments were all present and correct but could have done with a quick wipe.

The big breakfast was indeed nice and big.

Under those 2 eggs were 2 whole uncut slices of good fried bread, there goes another few days off my life!

Nice sausages, tinned tomatoes and really tasty mushrooms. Things were going well!

This was the first time I would be leaving a Fry Up Inspector calling card with web address on the back.

Having not had a fry up last week due to the radio interview I was keen to visit somewhere this week, I had been told that Longwater Cafe was supposed to be good by a couple of people so it seemed like a Friday morning fry up inspection plan to me...

Upon entering - I did have a few problems finding somewhere to park but managed to squeeze in along the side of the cafe. As I entered I noticed the counter straight ahead with a large blackboard displaying a good selection of fry ups on it. The cafe has a fairly large seating area with all the tables nicely spread out, there was a couple of tables outside too. Order at the counter, grab some cutlery from around the corner (I did look but never spotted the cutlery) and take a seat. 6/10

Service - The lady taking my order was friendly and offered me the different breakfast options ensuring I got exactly what I wanted. The other lady who bought my food to me was friendly and efficient even happy to bring me cutlery that I had not spotted earlier on a table around the corner. 7/10

Contents - 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 2 fried eggs, 2 slices of fried bread, 2 hash browns, beans, tinned tomatoes and mushrooms. 9/10

Presentation - Everything sat together quite nicely on the plate, the fried eggs were so happy in fried bread heaven one of them shed a tear. 8/10

The food - The sausages were to my delight fairly good standard with good texture, the bacon was nice too. The 2 whole uncut slices of decent fried bread were a real treat and they housed the fried eggs quite nicely. The hash browns were crispy and tasty and the mushroom were a real pleasure to eat with a great taste too. There was only 1 small tinned tomato but the good amount of beans made up for this. 8/10

Value for money - The big breakfast with a mug of tea or coffee was £5 which seemed like a fair deal to me! 8/10

Veggie option - Yes.

Overall - It is quite far off the beaten track if you live in the city but well worth a look if you are passing. Good service, a lot of nice food for your money and not an economy sausage to be seen anywhere. 8/10


  1. After having your website recommended I tried this café and was very pleased!
    The food was great and a nice friendly atmosphere. I’d definitely recommend it to any fry up lovers and I’ll be going again very soon!

  2. i went there today the place was filthy staff are rude never again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i agree not a nice place

  4. its a proper cafe. the staff are lovely. and the food is great and well priced. not sure if the were refitting the place or if they have closed as last week they wernt open and the builders were in
