
Friday 8 October 2010

Harty's Diner - Norwich (with update)

61 Heigham Street

Opening times
Monday - Friday
6am - 1.45pm

7am - 12.30pm

Well done Harty's! Food score 10/10, the 1st 10 I have ever given and they deserve it. Nothing on the plate could have been improved on in my opinion, pure perfection!!!

Harty's has been on Heigham Street for many years and they refuse to let standards slip.

The Cafe is light, airy, spacious and clean.

On a recent visit I discovered the old tables and chairs had been replaced with new ones. 

Every table is fully armed for a full on condiment attack when the food arrives.

These are the set breakfast options.  Mushrooms, bubble & squeak, black pudding and hash browns are available as extras too.

A good strong mug of tea while you wait for the food.

Bread & butter was not mentioned on the menu but it arrived anyway, bonus!

The best fried bread I have ever tasted!!

Back in the late 80's I passed Harty's Diner on Heigham Street as I walked to Project 86, home of YTS. I friend of mine recently mentioned what a cracking fry up they cooked so the time had come to find out for myself..

Upon entering - The cafe is light and airy, towards the rear is the counter where you place your order. The food on offer is displayed on a large menu above the counter. 8/10

Service - The friendly staff take your order at the counter and bring the food to your table when it is ready. I was asked if I would like beans or tomatoes, before I had time to think about it they said have both if you want, that is the kind of service I like to see! 9/10

Contents - 2 sausages, 2 bacon, 2 fried eggs, fried bread, beans & tinned tomatoes. Although not mentioned on the menu bread & butter arrived too. 8/10

Presentation - It looked amazing when it arrived, everything sat nicely together and you could see how good it was going to be. 9/10

The food - Perfection at last!! Perfectly cooked juicy pork sausages, perfectly cooked tasty bacon, perfect fried eggs,the best fried bread I have ever tasted - crunchy but not soaked in oil, plum tomatoes that were intact and not flooding the whole plate, great tasting beans and lovely soft white bread and butter. In my opinion this place has perfected cooking the fry up, they shouldn't change a thing! 10/10

Value for money - When it tastes this good £5.50 is exceptional value for money! 9/10

Veggie option - Yes

Overall - Next time you fancy a fry up pop along to Harty's, you are in for a real treat!. Other cafe's should close for an hour and pop down to Harty's for inspiration.
Of all the Cafe's I have tried so far Harty's is my favourite, go and find out for yourself you wont be disappointed. 9/10

I returned on 31/12/2010 to see if the food was as good second time round. It was to my delight just as good and I also noticed some extras that can be added to the standard fry up for 80p each, these were.. Mushrooms, Black pudding, Bubble & squeak & hash browns.

On my return visit everything was as good as it had been before, this time I had mushrooms as an extra and they were delicious.

The perfect cake to celebrate turning 40 based on the amazing Harty's Diner fry up!!

I just had to go back and try the bubble & squeak and it (along with everything else on the plate) was delicious as always!


  1. Does this mean your quest is over?...x

  2. No, the search continues for an overall score of 10/10. It must be out there and its my job to find it!! Thanks for looking.

  3. Loving your blog, I'll have to give this place a go since it looks fantastic. One of the best fry-ups I've had was at Smithfield Market in London, had to get up early to go but their fry-up has things like deviled kidney in it on top of the usual goodness.

  4. Having dined at many of the country's finest cafe's, Hearty's is by far my favourite. The decor has been updated (again, this establishment moves with the times) and is clean, well represented with very friendly staff. The food is impeccable and good value. 10/10.

  5. Well said Adam, I fully agree! I will visit again soon to look at the updated decor and sample another fry up of course!

  6. Loving the sound of that Edd, I will head there when im in London next, cheers!

  7. ill have to try that... still have you tried the moonlight cafes breakfast on magdalen st?

  8. Try Harty's as soon as you get the chance, well nice!
    I have been to Moonlight Cafe and cheap economy sausages spring to mind!

  9. I'm in there at least twice a week.. the best in town by far.....Glad I sent you down there FUI

  10. Thanks for recommending it Mr Damage, it is the best by far!

  11. Hartys is indeed a lovely fry up. You must try a breakfast at Posh Pigs just off of the Lowestoft road

    Has a great selection and not an eco banger in sight.


  12. Thanks for the recommendation, will give them a look when im in Lowestoft next.

  13. Have you given the cafe any feedback? I'm sure they would love to know how much you like it!

  14. Yes, I did a live radio interview in Harty's back in June last year saying how it was my favourite. I still pop in occasionally and the owners know me now and are aware of my blog.

  15. hi,i have sampled many cafe breakfast in norfolk and do agree with you that hartys diner is one of the best i think it is the black pudding that makes it, another good one is all things nice in cawston give it a try

  16. did you know hartys diner has been nominated for ,
    best builders breakfast in britain

  17. the reading rooms that opened at the end of last year on nelson st opposite the fat cat is well worth a look, especially if you have a silly moustache and listen to mumford and sons

  18. Indeed, I visited last year, a great breakfast!

  19. Heart attack springs to mind, Jesus your heart must be clogged up with fat

    1. Steamed vegetables and fresh soup everyday and 1 cooked breakfast a week leaves me feeling no concern about my health.

  20. you cannot give anyone a 10/10 that uses canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes cut in half and fried. Someone please tell them. I hate canned tomatoes.

    1. Tinned tomatoes are my favourite hence the 10/10. Each to their own but the scores are based on my perfect breakfast. Everyone's score on each place would vary as everyone has different tastes.

    2. Your comment "Everyone's score on each place would vary as everyone has different tastes" tends to make your reviews and scores of little value.

    3. Not at all, my description of the food and information regarding opening times and prices all help people to decide if a place is for them or not.

  21. I went again yesterday morning for the large veggie fryup, absolutely perfect. The bubble was meltingly soft and tasty, eggs were perfectly done, mushies the same.. difficult to eat it with a big grin on your face!

  22. went in today and had the small breakfast. when it arrived it included an extra rasher of bacon and bread n butter!

  23. Tried Britannia Cafe at Mousehold recently thanks to your blog and, despite having to wait 40 minutes before receiving my breakfast, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Light, airy feel to the room, quirky decor - in a good way - and a wonderful outlook. When it did arrive the full English was well worth the wait. Excellent butchers sausage and thick cut, smoked bacon, well cooked egg, tasty beans and bread obviously cut from a proper Bloomer loaf. All washed down with a very good Latte. Thanks for recommend FUI, that is the first time I have eaten at a cafe u have reviewed and now completely trust your judgement.
